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Just the Birds and Us: Magee Marsh Bird Sanctuary

A flighty behind the scenes story from Magee Marsh

The production team ready for a shoot at Magee Marsh on Lake Erie
Despite the challenges our team faced, the Lord provided our team with excellent shots for you to enjoy

Early one spring morning, our team set out for a legendary bird sanctuary called Magee Marsh on Lake Erie. During migration season, songbirds flock to the marsh in scores. However, so do thousands of birders and photographers from all over the world, creating unique challenges for our video team.

First, it was almost impossible to focus our lenses on the tiny birds when they kept darting from branch to branch. We constantly had to readjust and move our equipment to chase around these lightning-fast birds. The crowds made our task even more challenging because it seemed like every time we framed our cameras just right, an oblivious birder would inevitably wander into our shot. We also faced the challenge of birdwatchers strolling past us and inadvertently shaking the boardwalk and our cameras.

So we kept setting up in new locations — and time after time, the birds or the crowds would foil us again. But even though the shoot was difficult, we love the way these feathery critters star on our recent music video, “Morning has Broken” by Steve Hall. Though this video may have been challenging, we are pleased to present this tranquil video to you and we hope it is a blessing.

Our God has painted himself into the skies and reflected his glory through the trees. He even sets his fingerprint on something as tiny as a feather. We hope, as you watch this music video, you can join the birds in song as they sing praises to their creator.


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